Board of Zoning Appeals

Department in Charge of This Board

Planning Department

About the Board

We deal with requests for deviations from Zoning Code requirements. We focus on these areas:

  • Reviewing requests for dimensional, use, and sign variances.
  • Reviewing appeals of decisions by the Planning Director or Planning Commission
  • Interpreting Zoning Ordinance language

Meeting Schedule

We meet on the third Thursday of every month at 1:00 pm.

Paper Schedule

Download Annual Meeting Schedule (2025)


We Keep a schedule of all meeting changes/cancellations.

Meeting Location

City Hall
300 Monroe Ave. NW
City Commission Chambers 9th floor


You can access the Board of Zoning Appeals page using this link:

Board of Zoning Appeals Details

You'll see a quick description of the board and a list of its members at the top of the page. You can also find meeting minutes, agendas, and other important documents on this page.

Note: scroll near the bottom of the page. The meeting schedule, minutes, and agendas are below the listing of board members.

Member Details

  • 9 members
  • 2 alternate members are appointed to serve in case of the absence of a permanent member
  • The City Commission appoints members on the first Monday in January
  • Members cannot hold other public office or public employment while serving on board

Ryan Kilpatrick

       City Commission Appointment
       Ward 1 Resident
       Term ends 1/4/2027

Jeffrey King

City Commission Appointment
Ward 2 Resident
Term ends 1/3/2028

Sara Lachman

City Commission Appointment
Ward 2 Resident
Term ends 1/3/2028

James Lewis

City Commission Appointment
Ward 2 Resident
Term ends 1/4/2027

Traci Montgomery, Vice Chair

City Commission Appointment
Ward 2 Resident
Term ends 1/3/2028

Lynn Rabaut, Board Chairperson

City Commission Appointment
Ward 2 Resident
Term ends 1/4/2027

Cortney Schaffer

City Commission Appointment
Ward 3 Resident
Term ends 1/5/2026

Mary Swanson

City Commission Appointment
Ward 2 Resident
Term ends 1/5/2026

Lawrence Zeiser

City Commission Appointment
Ward 2 Resident
Term ends 1/4/2027

Kristin Turkelson, Planning Director

Carol Gornowich, Recording Secretary

Rowan Brady, Planning Supervisor 

Bruce McCoy, Alternate

City Commission Appointment
Ward 3 Resident
Term ends 1/4/2027

Jason Preston, Alternate

City Commission Appointment
Ward 1 Resident
Term ends 1/4/2027


Residency Requirement

You must live within the city limits of Grand Rapids to be a member of this board.

No Term Limits

Each term lasts 3 years. There is no term limit, so you can serve an unlimited number of terms.


Members receive $10.00 per meeting they attend. They also get $10.00 for each inspection committee they serve on.