Grand Valley Regional Biosolids Authority

About the Board

We provide leadership in a regional biosolids management program. Our program is sustainable, innovative, and captures the value of biosolids.

We manage biosolids processing, handling, and re-use. We do this in a diversified manner to benefit the economy, the environment, and society as a whole.

To support our mission, we support several initiatives:

  • A triple bottom line approach
  • A diversity of biosolids re-use forms and outlets
  • The use of chemical free biosolids processes
  • Minimizing financial impact to our communities
  • Effective communication with all stakeholders
  • A safe, educated, and well-trained workforce
  • Enhancing the local economy
  • Forging regional partnerships

Board History

Grand Rapids and Wyoming wastewater staff were managing biosolids as individual programs. Both entities expected changes in regulatory requirements in the future. These changes would impact how cities process and use biosolids. To make these changes would take large investments. These investments were necessary for a couple reasons. First, to keep pace with regulatory changes. Second, to replace aging facilities and equipment. Economic factors beyond each city's control also affected the programs:

  • Fuel costs
  • Landfill tipping fees
  • Loss of biosolids application land due to urban development

The evaluation process started at the Wyoming Clean Water Plant (CWP). This first evaluation was part of the 1995 Facilities Plan. Evaluations at the Grand Rapids facility were most recently performed in 2001. This evaluation was part of the Comprehensive Master Plan project.

The two facilities' evaluations led to a regional approach. Such an approach benefits both the facilities and the region in general. That's why the two cities developed the Regional Biosolids Management Project in 2002. The vision was a Class A marketable end product. To meet that vision the system uses several techniques:

  • Digestion
  • Dewatering
  • Heat drying
  • Pelletizing