The Mayor's Next Gen Advisory Board (MNGAB) advises the mayor with a next-generation perspective on topics, issues, programs and legislation that directly impacts the city of Grand Rapids.
The board is made up of 19 members from different professional, personal, economic, and ethnic backgrounds. The board has members from each ward of the city.
Each board member commits to a calendar year term, with the option to re-term for a maximum of four years.
Everyone can support MNGAB, no matter their age. Board member ages range from 22-40.
The board volunteers throughout the year on the mayor’s special projects and an annual board service event.
The MNGAB also:
- Hosts a signature event every year called “Have a Say”, which promotes next generation involvement in serving the city
- Organizes into three working committees: marketing/events, advisory, and board development
- Serves as a leadership pipeline for future city board and commission seats