Odd-Even and One-Side Seasonal Parking Restrictions

Seasonal Parking Restrictions 11/01 - 04/01
Streets designated with seasonal parking signs will have the following restrictions in effect from 12:01 AM on November 1 of each year to 11:59 PM on April 1 of the following year:
Odd-Even Parking
- On odd dates between 1:00 AM and 6:00 PM, park on the side of the street with odd addresses. Parking is prohibited on the even numbered side of the street.
- For 7 hours each night between 6:00 PM - 1:00 AM, you can park on either side of the street. Just make sure to move your vehicle to the side of the road matching the next day’s date by 1:00 AM.
- On an even date between 1:00 AM and 6:00 PM, park on the side of the street with even addresses. Parking is prohibited on the odd numbered side of the street.
One-Side Parking
- Parking is prohibited at all times on the posted side of the street.
Purpose of Seasonal Parking
Seasonal parking restrictions allow us to sweep and plow the streets during the fall and winter months. It also helps us prevent the City's street from becoming flooded in the winter due to clogged catch basins. It also helps emergency vehicles access neighborhoods during heavy snow seasons.
Report Seasonal Parking Violations
It's important for us all to follow these parking restrictions to report a parking violation, click below.
Report a Seasonal Parking Violation
Request a Review of Seasonal Parking Restrictions on Your Street
Residents can request City staff to review their street to see if adding or changing Seasonal Parking Restrictions is appropriate. There is a list of criteria and conditions that are used to determine if Seasonal Parking Restrictions are neede.
Request Seasonal Parking Restrictions