Lead Prevention

Is my drinking water safe?

We are proud of the high-quality and safe drinking water we provide our customers every day, and we take this responsibility seriously. Your drinking water meets and exceeds all the federal Safe Drinking Water Act requirements. 

Health impacts of lead

In some homes, lead in water is not the only potential source of exposure for young children. Lead-based paint, lead in soil, and lead dust are significant risk factors for children living in pre-1978 housing. Lead dust from these sources can get onto children’s hands, which then gets into their mouths.

When ingested, it can cause various health problems, especially for pregnant women and children. The greatest concern is the impact of lead on the developing brain.

For more resources and information on lead exposure prevention, visit Get Ahead Of Lead

Does my home have lead plumbing? 

The Kent County Health Department has created a video to help you identify whether your home has lead, galvanized, or other types of plumbing materials.



We’ve created a new tool that allows you to search your property address and identify the material of your water service line—the pipe that brings water into your home from the main line in the street.

View Map

Water Testing

If you'd like to have your water tested for lead by a certified laboratory, the cost is around $25 per test. We recommend the following labs:

I received a mailing or doorhanger to have my water tested

We are not affiliated in any way with companies that offer to test your water for free or that recommends you to install home water filtration or treatment systems.