Crime Prevention

It's important to think about your safety and security. Some crimes are deterred through easy prevention measures. We'll show you some ways to protect yourself, your home, and your community.

We also want to empower you to report suspicious activities in your community. That's why we also give instructions on when to call and what to expect.

Lock your doors and windows

This is the easiest way to keep burglars and unwanted visitors out of your home.

Be smart about who you let into your home

Sometimes even someone you have hired to work on your house can have ulterior motives.Keep valuables out of site. Even perform background checks on contractors before you begin a project.

Install a security system

A home security camera will keep tabs on people. It will help you keep an eye on unwanted visitors and behavior.

Know your neighbors

One of the best prevention measures is to watch out for each other. This is very helpful when you are away from your house.

Light the outside

Keeping the outside of your home lit is a great deterrent for criminals that want to hide in the shadows.

Be mindful of what is in your trash

Personal information, or even that new TV box may draw attention to your home.

Keep the bushes around the house trimmed

This helps eliminate hiding spots.

Think about getting a dog

Dogs will often bark when they sense unfamiliar people (and sometimes squirrels) at your door step. This can keep potential criminals away.

When walking

  • Use the most direct route to your destination that is well lit and feels safe. That dark alley may be a short cut, but its not for you. 
  • Avoid routes that pass by vacant lots, alleys or construction sites
  • Stay alert on your surroundings. 
  • Try to stay with a group of people
  • Never hitchhike
  • Keep enough money (credit card) with you for a cab or bus fare home
  • Keep some cash separate from your wallet or purse for emergencies
  • Don't flash cash or valuables while walking around. 

When driving

  • Always keep your vehicle locked when not in use
  • Keep your vehicle maintained and keep an eye on your fuel levels
  • Know your year, make and model of your car. You should memorize your license plate number. It is also a good idea to have a picture of your registration on your phone. 
  • Check around and inside your car before entering 
  • Stick to well traveled streets 
  • Park in well lit areas 
  • Never pick up a hitchhiker

Keep them out of site

When possible it is best to keep valuable items out of site. People don't know they exist if they can't see them.

Keep a list

It is a good idea to have a list and even pictures of you valuable items. Make reminders to keep this list up to date.

Label them

If possible put your ID number on your valuable so if they are stolen, they can be identified if recovered.

Call 911 now if you experiencing an emergency situation!

When should I call?

When you are experiencing or observing a crime, or when you have information on a crime. Even when something seems suspicious.

What number should I call?

There are 4 main lines to contact us on:


Use this number when a crime is in progress, there is a fire, or a medical emergency.


Use this number for non-emergencies:

  • Suspicious Situations
  • Disturbances
  • Drug Activity


Use this number to leave detailed information about drug house activities. Be specific as possible with who, when, where, etc.

  • 616-456-3403: This number can be used to make a report that does not require officer assistance. Use this number for
  • Property damage reports for insurance purposes
  • Giving information on a crime

What to Expect?

When you call us a civilian operator will pick up the phone. Be ready to calmly give the following information:

  • Specific location details (Address, Intersection, Landmarks, etc.)
  • Give a short description of what is happening
  • Is anyone hurt
  • Be able to describe the suspect or vehicle
  • Are suspects still on the scene. If not which way did they go
  • Your contact information is optional