How does this reach residents in Neighborhoods of Focus?
The Neighborhoods of Focus(PDF, 2MB) consist of 17 Census Tracts with higher poverty, higher unemployment and lower rates of educational attainment than elsewhere in the City. They were originally determined in 2016 by research funded by the Kellogg Foundation.
The program service area covers 74% of the Neighborhoods of Focus. All rides that begin in a Neighborhood of Focus receive an automatic 30% discount, unless the user is already enrolled in Lime Access or the University Student Discount (see details below).
User Fees
Lime fees for both the stand-on e-scooters and e-assist bicycles are $1 to unlock plus 36 cents per minute.
The City of Grand Rapids has worked with Lime to provide low-cost or free options for those who need them.
The Lime Access program allows eligible users who apply to receive 50% off the standard rate. More information about Lime Access can be found at: at the following colleges and universities in the Grand Rapids area can also receive an automatic 30% discount on all trips if they sign up using their school email address.
- Central Michigan University
- Grand Rapids Community College
- Grand Valley State University
- Michigan State University
- Western Michigan University
Access to Persons with Disabilities
At this time, accessible micromobility devices are not available in Grand Rapids. Mobile GR is consistently working with Lime to improve the functionality of various devices to make them more accessible to a wide range of users. Examples include the addition of a hand throttle to all Lime e-bikes and the introduction of sit-down scooters later in 2025.
Language Options
English and Spanish language options are available on the Lime platform.