Here are the documents you'll need to prepare before submitting your application:
Explain Need for Zone Change
You'll need to explain the need for your requested Zone Change. Write a description of why the Zone Change is needed. Make sure you express how the proposed Zone District will meet the needs of the development.
Describe the Project
You'll need to submit a written description of your project. This description must include:
Proposed site and/or building layout
Building and structure design information
Floor plans
Parking calculations
Current environmental conditions
Create Site Plans, Building Elevations and Floor Plans (optional)
Are you requesting Site Plan approval and with your Zone Change request? Enclose the site plans, building elevations, and floor plans with your application.
Transit Oriented Development Transit – Oriented Development
Is the application is for a TOD (Transit-Oriented Development) Zone District? Include verification from the Rapid that transit station or stop is in a permanent location.
Special Land Use
If a Special Land Use approval is also needed, include a completed SLU application.
Plan Submittals
We need copies of your plan submittal:
- Two 11x17 copies
- One digital copy submitted in PDF format (separate files for each drawing, plan, or document)
Legal Description
Provide us with a legal description of your property in word or text format.
We recommend that you meet with us as an informal review of your proposed project. The meeting is intended to determine what kind of zone change is needed, if other approvals are required, and to explain the process to to get a decision on the proposal.
Meet with neighboring property owners, neighborhood association, or business association. Use this meeting to resolve any conflicts before your Planning Commission review. We may table your request if you don't hold a neighborhood meeting.
When you submit your application, include the meeting's sign-in sheet. Make sure it has the date, time, and location of the meeting.
Make checks payable to the City of Grand Rapids. Here are application fees:
- Map Amendment- $2,803
- Conditional Rezoning- $5,191
Visit us at the address listed in the Contact Us section of this page. We'll help you get everything you need to complete the application. We'll have paper copies available, but you can print the below form before you arrive.
Keep in mind that you need to submit your application at least one month before the Planning Commission meeting. You can see a list of the Planning Commission meeting dates(PDF, 95KB).
Download the Application
Mail, email or drop off your application. Our information is in the Contact Us section of this page. Make sure to include all other required documents with your application.
We'll review and submit your application to the Planning Commission. We may contact you with questions or ask for more information.
After staff review, your application is forwarded to the Planning Commission for a public hearing. You'll get a notice of the public hearing 15 days before the Planning Commission meeting.
Here's what to expect at the public hearing:
We'll send you a letter and resolution to let you know City Commission's decision.