Refuse and recycle services are not delayed this week.
Looking to get involved? Work the polls on Election Day and be our partner in democracy! If you're interested in where you might work, check out our Precinct Directory(PDF, 274KB).
You can serve as an election worker if you meet these requirements:
You can see full Election Worker Job Descriptions for more info.
While working on election day is a great way to serve your community, you also get paid. Here's a look at how you'll be compensated:
Download fill out the PDF application.
Download the Application in English
Email, mail, fax, or drop off your completed application. You'll find our information in the Contact Us section of this page.
If your application is complete and you qualify to work the election, we'll contact you. We'll schedule your training session to get you ready for Election Day.
We appreciate your willingness to serve! We hope you enjoy your civic duty as much as we do!
You'll find our address in the Contact Us section of this page. We'll get you an application and answer all of your questions. We'll make sure we have everything we need to process your application before you leave.
We'll schedule your training session to get you ready for Election Day.
We're still working to build an online application. For now, use the tabs near the top of this page for further instructions. You'll want to review the paper form or in person process, depending on your preference.
If you have any questions about this process, we're happy to help! You'll find our information in the Contact Us section of this page.
We're open Monday - Friday from 8:00 am - 5:00 pm Eastern Time. Keep in mind that our office closes on major holidays. Another note: we don't take these calls on Election Days.
At this time we don't take applications over the phone. For now, use the tabs near the top of this page for further instructions. You'll want to review the paper form or in person process, depending on your preference.
Election Worker Job Descriptions
Precinct Directory(PDF, 125KB)