File a Claim with the City

If you have sustained property damage or loss, or if you sustained an injury you believe is a result of City of Grand Rapids infrastructure or staff, you may file a claim for review and consideration. The claim process usually takes 30 to 60 days for completion. If your claim is not resolved after 60 days, please check in with the Risk Management office at 616-456-4670.


  • The City of Grand Rapids does not cover and is not liable for storm-related damage.
  • Sewer backup claims MUST be filed within 45 days of the sewer backup or within 45 days from when you first discovered the backup. You are HIGHLY encouraged to maintain an insurance policy that covers sanitary sewer overflow.
  • Damage related to potholes is covered only if the pothole you hit was reported to the City at least 30 days before.
  • Submitting a claim for damage, loss, or injury does not guarantee financial reimbursement to you. The City of Grand Rapids reviews each claim on an individual basis.

Things you need before filing a claim:

For all types of claims (if applicable)

For all types of claims (if applicable):

  • Police Report or Police Report Number
  • Photos of the damage (REQUIRED)
  • Photos an/or video of what caused the damage
  • Receipts or paid invoices of your out-of-pocket expenses, or
  • Two repair estimates

Vehicle Damage Claims

For vehicle damage claims, include:

  • Vehicle title and registration
  • Auto Insurance policy and declarations page
  • Documents that show the year, make, and model of your vehicle
  • Photo of the current mileage of your vehicle

Home Damage Claims

For home damage claims, include:

  • Homeowner's insurance policy and declarations page
  • Documentation of specific items/personal belongings damaged or destroyed 
  • In some cases, a copy of the deed or other proof of ownership

Personal Injury Claims

For personal injury claims, include:

  • Full medical records related to your injury
  • Health insurance information and Schedule of Benefits
  • Photos of the injury and the cause of the injury
  • List of medical providers who treated you for this injury (include full contact information)


Online Form

Step 1.Choose a claim form

The type of claim you wish to file falls into one of two categories: Property Damage or Personal Injury. Please only file the appropriate claim form. If you sustained property damage and an injury, you will need to file two separate claims.

Property Damage Claims – Includes but is not limited to sewer backups, failed City tree, damaged mailbox, lost or damaged personal property, damage to your vehicle, or other types of property damage/loss not mentioned here.

Personal Injury Claims – If you have been injury on City property that was caused by City property or Staff, you may file a personal injury claim. It is very important to document where the injury occurred, how and why it happened, what caused the injury, and what body parts were injured. 

Step 2.Submit your claim form

Once your claim is submitted online, you will receive a confirmation email with a PDF copy of your claim form. A representative from the Risk Management office may reach out to you should additional information been needed or if we have any questions.

Property Damage Claim FormPersonal Injury Claim Form

Step 3.Risk Management will review your claim

  • A thorough investigation of your claim will take place
  • Your claim will be reviewed by City management
  • You will be notified in writing of the outcome of your claim
  • The claim process can take anywhere from 30 to 60 business days. If you do not hear back from us in 60 days, please call our office at 616-456-4670
  • Submitting a claim for damages, loss, or injury does not guarantee financial reimbursement to you. The City of Grand Rapids reviews each claim on an individual basis.  

Paper Form

Step 1.Choose a claim form

The type of claim you wish to file falls into one of two categories: Property Damage or Personal Injury. Please only file the appropriate claim form. If you sustained property damage and an injury, you will need to file two separate claims.

Property Damage Claims – Includes but is not limited to sewer backups, failed City tree, damaged mailbox, lost or damaged personal property, damage to your vehicle, or other types of property damage/loss not mentioned here.

Personal Injury Claims – If you have been injury on City property that was caused by City property or Staff, you may file a personal injury claim. It is very important to document where the injury occurred, how and why it happened, what caused the injury, and what body parts were injured. 

Step 2.Print the appropriate claim form

Property Damage Claim Form(PDF, 177KB)

Personal Injury Claim Form(PDF, 301KB)

The forms above at fileable/typable. If you are printing to handwrite in the form, please ensure your handwriting is neat and legible.

Step 3.Submit your claim form

Mail your claim form to:

City of Grand Rapids

Attention: Risk Management Office

300 Monroe Ave. NW

Grand Rapids, MI 49503

Email your claim form to:  - Type “Claim Form” in your email subject line

Fax your claim form to: 616-456-3520 (Photos sent via fax are not visible. You may be requested to mail, e-mail, or drop them off in person.)

Drop it off at City Hall: If you are dropping off a claim form, the ambassador can route that to our office via the City’s interoffice mail system. If you'd like to schedule an appointment to deliver your claim directly to the Risk Management office, please call 616-456-4670 to do so. Making an appointment will ensure someone is available to greet you. 

Step 4.Risk Management will review your claim

  • A thorough investigation of your claim will take place
  • Your claim will be reviewed by City management
  • You will be notified in writing of the outcome of your claim
  • The claim process can take anywhere from 30 to 60 business days. If you do not hear back from us in 60 days, please call our office at 616-456-4670
  • Submitting a claim for damages, loss, or injury does not guarantee financial reimbursement to you. The City of Grand Rapids reviews each claim on an individual basis.  


Step 1.Call the Risk Management Office

You are welcome to contact our office via phone to set up your claim. Call 616-456-4670 or 616-456-3467 and someone will complete a claim form for you over the phone.

Step 2.Sign your claim and provide required documentation

Please keep in mind you will be required to sign your claim form and we will arrange for you to do so. Additionally, you are still required to provide the claim documentation noted in the previous page. 


In Person


Please call 616-456-4670 or 616-456-3467. 

Risk Management staff teleworks throughout the week.  Setting a date and time to come in helps us ensure someone is in the office to assist you in the claim process. If you are dropping off a claim form, the ambassador can route that to our office via the City’s interoffice mail system.

Step 2.Arrive at your appointment

We are located at:

300 Monroe Ave. NW

8th floor, Suite 860

Grand Rapids, MI 49503

Step 3.Park in the Government Center Parking Ramp.

A parking validation will be provided to you from Risk Management.  

Step 4.Check-in at the Ambassador’s desk on the Plaza Level.

They will contact our office to let us know you are here and will call an elevator for you to come up to the 8th floor.