Find Nearby Events

Looking for something to do? You can use the My Neighborhood page to find events near you.

Online Form

Have the address ready or allow us to use your location

If you're looking this up for someone else, you'll need their address. My Neighborhood might ask to use your location. If you say yes, you don't need to type in your address.

Go to our My Neighborhood page and enter the address

We have a fast and convenient way you can keep up with what's happening around you. Head over to our My Neighborhood page. Just type in your address above the map.

Go to My Neighborhood

Look for event icons on the map

We'll show events near you on the map. You can see a list of all nearby events, parks, libraries, and schools on the left side of the map.

Find out more about your neighborhood

We can show you even more than that! Scroll down to see your next trash and recycling pick up dates. Go a little further down to see your commissioners and the mayor.

Paper Form

Have the address ready or allow us to use your location

If you're looking this up for someone else, you'll need their address. Our My Neighborhood page might ask to use your location. If you say yes, you don't need to type in your address.

Go to the listing of events

We offer a list of events and activities on our website. At this time we don't print a paper calendar. But you can see a list of events in Grand Rapids if you go to our Events and Activities page. You can explore events by location, date, category, or keyword. It's a great way to find events you'll love!

See a list of Events & Activities

Search for events

You can use the menu bar on the right side of the page to search. Scroll down and use the controls to see events by location, date, category, or keyword.


Give us a call

We'll do our best to answer questions about specific events. If you're looking for a list of events, we recommend visiting our Events & Activities page.

See a list of Events & Activities

In Person

Visit the Office of Special Events

We'll do our best to answer questions about specific events. If you're looking for a list of events, we recommend visiting our Events & Activities page.

See a list of Events & Activities