Registrarse para Béisbol Juvenil o softball

Looking for a fun way for your children to stay active in the community? Register for fall or spring youth baseball or softball to get them in the game.


Paso 1.Review the Rules and Regulations

Before signing up, we recommend reviewing our policies and procedures for youth sports. These will walk you through what to expect from coaches and field directors.

Paso 2.Make sure your child is eligible 

We offer youth baseball/softball to children ages 4 to 11.

Paso 3.Have your credit or debit card ready

Be prepared to enter your credit/debit card information to pay the registration fee. We accept Visa, MasterCard and Discover.

The registration fee for youth baseball or softball is $42 for residents and $52 for nonresidents.

Paso 4.Register for youth baseball or softball online

If you're registering more than one child, you will have to fill out the form for each child.

Complete the registration form in English here

Paso 5.We'll review your registration

You'll receive a confirmation email when your registration is processed. We'll send you coach and practice information one week prior to the first practice.



Paper Form

Paso 1.Review the Rules and Regulations

Before signing up, we recommend reviewing our policies and procedures for youth sports. These will walk you through what to expect from coaches and field directors.

Paso 2.Make sure your child is eligible 

We offer youth baseball/softball to children ages 4 to 11.

Paso 3.Complete the registration form

Download, print, and fill out the printed form

Download the Youth Baseball/Softball Registration Form

Paso 4.Mail or bring your completed form to our office

We accept printed forms by mail or in person. We can't accept emailed or faxed forms. Whether you are mailing or bringing the form to our office, you can pay with cash, check or card (Visa, Mastercard or Discover).

Paso 5.We'll review your registration

You'll receive a confirmation email when your registration is processed. We'll send you coach and practice information one week prior to the first practice.





Paso 1.Review the Rules and Regulations

Before signing up, we recommend reviewing our policies and procedures for youth sports. These will walk you through what to expect from coaches and field directors.

Paso 2.Make sure your child is eligible 

We offer youth baseball/softball is offered to children ages 4 to 11.

Paso 3.Have your debit or credit card ready

We accept Visa, Mastercard, or Discover.

Registration fees for youth soccer are $42 for residents, $52 for non residents.

Paso 4.Call our office to register

Our phone number is listed in the Contact Us section of this page. We are available Monday through Friday from 7:30 am - 4:30 pm for calls.

Paso 5.We'll send you season information

You'll receive a confirmation email when your registration is processed. We'll send you coach and practice information one week prior to the first practice.



In Person

Paso 1.Review the Rules and Regulations

Before signing up, we recommend reviewing our policies and procedures for youth sports. These will walk you through what to expect from coaches and field directors.

Paso 2.Make sure your child is eligible 

We offer youth baseball/softball is offered to children ages 4 to 11.

Paso 3.Come to our office and fill out the registration form

Our address is listed in he Contact Us section of this page. 

You can download and print the form beforehand if you want. Otherwise, we'll get you a copy when you come in. 

Download the Youth Baseball/Softball Registration Form

Paso 4.We'll send you season information

You'll receive a confirmation email when your registration is processed. We'll send you coach and practice information one week prior to the first practice.