View a Map of Small Cell/Micro Cell Permits

Are you curious to learn more about small cell/micro cell permit applications near you? We have a easy-to-use map resource that can assist you in identifying where these projects are located.


View the BuildingEye Map

We use a third-party application called BuildingEye to map permits and applications for permits.

BuildingEye Page

On the map view, click “Filters” (you may need to click “Continue” to get to the map view)

The “Filters” button is at the top-left of the map

Un-check all of the application types other than “Small Cell / Micro Cell

If you'd like to see other permit types on the map, you can leave those types checked.

Small Cell 1.png


You can also apply a date range filter based on when the application was received

The date range filter is just above the application type filter

Permit Map

To filter for Small Cell / Micro Cell Permits on a map, please follow these steps:

Step 1

Go to the BuildingEye page

Step 2

2. On the map view, click “Filters” (you may need to click “Continue” to get to the map view)

  • The “Filters” button is at the top-left of the map

3. Un-check all of the application types other than “Small Cell / Micro Cell

Small Cell 1.png


4. NOTE: You can apply a date range filter based on when the application was received

  • The date range filter is just above the application type filter

Email Notifications

To sign up for email notifications of new permit applications, please follow these steps:

1. Go to the BuildingEye page

2. Sign up for a free account

  • The “Sign Up” button is at the top-right of the map

3. On the map view, click “Alerts” (you may need to click “Continue” to get to the map view).

  • The “Alerts” button is at the top-left of the map

4. Un-check all of the application types other than “Small Cell / Micro Cell Permits” (unless you would like alerts for additional types)

Small Cell 2.png


5. Click “Drop Pin” and drag the pin to the place on the map where you would like to receive alerts

6. Name your alert (example: small cell near home) and click “Save Alert”