Looking for information on the yard waste season? You're in the right place!
Yard waste service season is between early April through mid - December. The exact dates depend on weather, so you will want to check back periodically for updates.
Our drop off site will open on Friday, March 23rd.
Yard waste collection will begin on Monday, April 2nd.
Don't remember your yard waste collection date? Visit our My Neighborhood page.
Yard Waste Cart – The cart is $27.50 to order. Each time you would like your cart emptied, attach a yellow Yard Waste Tag to the cart. Each tag is $6.00. Interested in this option? Fill out this form to order your cart.
Start Yard Waste Services
Yard Waste Paper Bag – You can use a yard waste paper bag for leaves, grass clippings and small twigs. Bags are $2.50 each or come in packs of 5 for $12.50. Items in the yard waste paper bag can't weigh more than 30 pounds.
Yard Waste Bulk Tag – You can use a purple yard waste bulk tag for bundles of larger twigs or branches. You may also attach this tag to a non-city paper yard waste bag. These tags cost $2.50 each. Bundled branches and twigs shouldn’t be more than 4 feet long or 2 inches in diameter.
You can buy City yard waste cart tags, paper bags, and purple bulk tags at City Hall. You can also buy them at select supermarkets. For a complete list of sellers near you, give us a call. Our number is in the contact us section of this page.
We have a free drop off site. It is located at 2001 Butterworth St SW. The site is open from 9am-6pm, Monday through Saturday. This is offered to Grand Rapids residents only, so bring your ID for proof of residence. Yard waste must be loose or in a paper bag. Plastic bags are not allowed.
Not sure if your yard waste is eligible for drop off? Give us a call. Our number is in the contact us section of this page.
Give us a call. We are happy to help! You can find our number in the contact us section of this page.
Yard Waste Cart – The cart is $27.50 to order. Each time you would like your cart emptied, attach a yellow Yard Waste Tag to the cart. Each tag is $6.00. Interested in this option? Stop by the customer service windows in City Hall. We can help you get started.
Yard Waste Cart – The cart is $27.50 to order. Each time you would like your cart emptied, attach a yellow Yard Waste Tag to the cart. Each tag is $6.00. Interested in this option? Give us a call. We will make sure you have everything you need to get started.
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