Permit-ready Plans Program
This program is intended to provide new and emerging developers with permit-ready pre-reviewed housing plans for single-, two-, and multi-family housing. Visit the link below to read more about this program and to review housing plan options.
Permit-ready Plans Program
Development with Us
Development with Us (DwUs) is a program designed to facilitate meaningful engagement between residents, neighborhood associations, and developers.
Development with Us
Cannabis Information
One-Room Rentals (such as AirBnB)
The City code permits "shared room" or "private room"-type rentals, but not "entire apartment"-type. If you see those advertised, the City Clerk may not have licensed them.
Fact Sheet and More Information
Accessory Dwelling Units (ADUs)
Zoning FAQs for Accessory Dwelling Units (ADUs)
City Housing Policy Amendments
In the spring of 2023, an update to the 2020 Housing Needs Assessment was presented by the City’s Housing Practice Leader, Ryan Kilpatrick of Housing Next. The update determined that by 2027, approximately 34,700 dwelling units are needed countywide, with 14,106 of the units in the City of Grand Rapids, to accommodate household growth and older home replacement. In response to the Assessment, the City Commission expressed a desire to evaluate the City’s housing policies and requested that the Planning Commission provide them with recommendations.
City Housing Policy Text Amendments Information